Our learners
Our school has implemented the Australian Curriculum in English, Maths, Science, History and Geography from Prep to year 10. Students also study a range of topics in the Arts; Health and Physical Education; Technology and LOTE (Japanese). We encourage participation in the Arts and Sport through both curriculum delivery and extra-curricular activities, such as Instrumental Music and Choir.
Students in year 11 and 12 are able to access a range of academic and vocational subjects. These may be offered at the school (RTO Code 30334), through the School of Distance Education (Brisbane School of Distance Education RTO Code 1585, Capricornia School of Distance Education RTO Code 30951) or other registered training organisations chosen through the workplace.
Our valued partnerships with local industries and businesses allow us to offer students a range of School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships, from Retail and Hospitality to Diesel Fitting.

Social environment
Our learners have access to a team of support personnel, including a Support Teacher: Literacy and Numeracy; Special Needs Teacher; Guidance Officer, School Based Youth Health Nurse and School Chaplain. We develop responsive programs for the enrichment of both the academic and social/emotional wellbeing of our students. Our small class sizes, particularly in the senior school, allow for individual attention and a caring environment.
We encourage participation and a sense of community through lunch time sporting activities, an active Student Council, participation in cultural activities like the Wakakirri story-dance competition and the Central Highlands Eisteddfod. Our students participate in the Primary Peak Downs District Sporting Trials and Secondary Central Highlands Trials.
Our campus is spacious with many primary classes accommodated in double teaching spaces. All buildings are low set and air conditioned. Our facilities include three computer rooms, a sports hall, outdoor sports shed and hard court. Primary classes are able to access secondary science laboratories, manual arts facilities, the home economics kitchen and dining room and art room.