Transport to school
Bicycles and scooters
Bicycle racks are provided near the administration block for primary aged children and near the school hall for secondary students. Children who ride bicycles or scooters to school are expected to place them correctly in these racks. Under no circumstances are bicycles or scooters to be ridden in the school grounds, unless specifically under the direction of a teacher and for a particular purpose. It is recommended that students take responsibility for their equipment and ensure that it is secured to the bicycle racks.
Children are to keep out of the bicycle area unless placing or removing their own bicycles/scooters. There is no need for them to be in this area during school hours. It is expected that children will wear helmets in accordance with the law.
Bus transport
Bus transport is provided for students who primarily live on rural properties outside of the township of Middlemount. A teacher will supervise children waiting to board the bus but once on the bus, the parents are responsible for their child’s behaviour. In the event of unsafe behaviour parents will be contacted. There is a current transport code of conduct that applies to all students travelling via bus. Breaches of this code may result in a student being excluded from bus travel. Should you wish to enquire about the bus service that is offered please contact our office staff.
In the interest of safety no section of our school grounds is to be used by parents for parking or for picking up or delivering children unless prior arrangements are made with the Principal (e.g. in the case of a child with a disability). The administration block car park should only be utilised by visitors to the school, staff, delivery services and emergency services. Parents are encouraged to use the "stop, drop and go" area at the front of the school. Please note that extended parking is not allowed in this area for everyone's safety.

Middlemount Community School is situated along James Randell Drive. Middlemount is located approximately 250km south west of Mackay, or approximately 250 km north west of Rockhampton. Our closet major centre is Emerald - approximately 90 minutes away.
You can find our location using Google Maps.